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"In touch with experts: LIVE" Preparing for 2022 Kangaroo Care Awareness Day (May 15) in Brazil


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“In Touch With Experts, LIVE" is a Q&A session via Zoom®. 

Yamile Jackson, Ph.D., P.E., P.M.P., C.K.C., (CEO, Nurtured by Design, Creator of The Zaky®, Founder Kangaroo Care Day, and [kangaroo] mother of Zachary, her former micro-preemie), and Marie Boone-Clark (CCO, Antonia and Grace) are happy to host our guest experts of this session:

Dawn Miller-Hanna, RN, BSN, RN-NIC, CKC
Certified Caregiver, expert NICU nurse, organizer of KC Day events in Reno, Nevada.
Dra. Enfa. Sandra Regina de Souza Vogler
Ph.D. Nurse, Neonatology.  Kangaroo Care Consultant for the Brazilian Ministry of Health, Member of the United States Institute for Kangaroo Care (USIKC)

ABOUT THIS SESSION:  Let's prepare for the first country-wide Kangaroo Care Awareness Day (May 15) in Brazil. Share ideas, resources, lessons learned, and have a successful celebration of parents, babies, and those that support them all over the country.  

WHO IS INVITED?  Clinicians, volunteers, and professionals responsible for kangaroo care in Brazil. 
Presented by Kangaroo Care Day
"In touch with experts: LIVE" Educational series
in collaboration with



ABOUT KANGAROO CARE DAY: The International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day is an initiative founded by Yamile Jackson, Ph.D., PE, PMP on behalf of her son, Zachary, to improve the care of families through nurturing touch, kangaroo care, mental health, trauma-informed care, and education.  It is now celebrated in hospitals globally on May 15th since 2011. Visit


Disclaimer: This and every session, resource, videos, etc., is not considered medical advice.  It is for information only and we are not responsible for omissions, incorrect, or incomplete information, or for the results of using any of our resources. 

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Yamile Jackson

Thank you for joining today’s session. We are delighted that Brazil is joining the movement, and we look forward to your ideas and comments here. Hoje nossos corações são brasileiros.

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