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In Touch with Experts: LIVE presents "Where is the Love? Getting to the Heart of Trauma Informed Care" with Mary Coughlin

“In Touch With Experts, LIVE" is an Q&A initiative by Kangaroo Care Day that brings evidence-based topics in plain English to parents of hospitalized babies and the clinicians that care for them. Hosted by Yamile Jackson, Ph.D. (The Zaky-Nurtured by Design) and Marie Boone-Clark (Antonia and Grace)

Information, recording and resources



The experience of newborn intensive care may be a traumatic life event. Embracing a trauma informed approach to the care of babies and families in crisis mitigates suffering and cultivates resilience.

Ms. Coughlin will talk about the power of love to transcend trauma and describe what love looks like in the NICU, how parents can advocate for love during their hospital stay, plus she will answer questions from the participants.

"Love is critical for survival. Love releases hormones and chemicals in a baby’s brain that encourages rapid brain growth and development while promoting physical and emotional health and well-being. Love is at the heart of a trauma-informed approach."
- Mary Coughlin


  • Parents or family members of hospitalized babies and small children. 
  • Parents of well babies or babies under medical care at home.
  • Clinicians interested in the developmental outcomes of the patients and families. CEUs are not provided.
  • Anyone interested in learning about trauma informed care, and the science behind it - in plain English.




Mary Coughlin RN, MS, NNP, founder and president of Caring Essentials Collaborative, LLC has served as their global learning officer since 2010. Ms. Coughlin’s seminal work merging the Joint Commission concept of core measures with developmentally supportive care frames her current passion. Ms. Coughlin authored the 2011 NANN Guidelines for Age Appropriate Care of the Premature and Critically Ill Hospitalized Infant and most recently authored the book: Transformative Nursing in the NICU: Trauma-informed, Age-appropriate Care (Springer Publishing 2014). An internationally recognized expert in the field of trauma-informed age-appropriate care in the NICU, Ms. Coughlin has been an invited speaker at various national and international neonatal conferences in addition to her passion in educating, coaching and mentoring NICU clinicians and administrators transforming the NICU culture of care.

Ms. Coughlin’s clinical background spans over 25 years with a focus in neonatal nursing and advanced practice at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital Boston MA. A graduate of Northeastern University where she received her Baccalaureate and Masters of Science degree, Ms. Coughlin also served as an officer in the USAF Nurse Corp for 7 years. Those who have heard her speak describe Ms. Coughlin as motivational and transformational.
Mary Coughlin MS, NNP, RNC-E
President & Founder, Caring Essentials Collaborative, LLC
O: +1 (617) 795-4871
Presented by Kangaroo Care Day
"In touch with experts: LIVE" Educational series
in collaboration with


ABOUT KANGAROO CARE DAY: The International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day is an initiative founded by Yamile Jackson, Ph.D., PE, PMP on behalf of her son, Zachary, and is now celebrated in NICUs globally on May 15th since 2011. Visit

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Rosemary Mututa

Kmc flows in my blood

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