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Information and Resources - Mary Coughlin's session

Q&A session with experts about evidence-based topics in plain English.

"Where is the Love? Getting to the Heart of Trauma Informed Care" 
with Mary Coughlin

Thank you for registering for "In Touch With Experts, LIVE" February 2022 edition.



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  • Coughlin, M. (2015). The Sobreviver (Survive) Project. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 15(4), 169-173.   (Used The Zaky ZAK (aka Kangaroo Zak) to implement Kangaroo Care)
  • Lemermeyer, G. Embodied Ethics: Phenomenology of the NICU Nurse’s Touch 
  • Agorastos, A., Pervanidou, P., Chrousos, G.P., & Baker, D.G. (2019). Developmental trajectories of early life stress and trauma: a narrative review on neurobiological aspects beyond stress system dysregulation. Frontiers in Psychiatry, doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00118.
  • Charpak N, Tessier R, Ruiz JG, Uriza F, Hernandez JT, Cortes D, Montealegre-Pomar A. Kangaroo mother care had a protective effect on the volume of brain structures in young adults born preterm. Acta Paediatr. 2022 Jan 24. doi: 10.1111/apa.16265. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35067976.
  • Crump, C. (2020). An overview of adult health outcomes after preterm birth. Early Human Development, 1 50:105187. doi: 10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2020.105187.
  • Coughlin, M. (2021). Transformative Nursing in the NICU: Trauma-informed Age-appropriate Care Second Ed. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company Buy Here
  • Coughlin, M. (2015). The Sobreviver (Survive) Project. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 15(4), 169-173.
  • Delafield-Butt JT, Freer Y, Perkins J, Skulina D, Schögler B, Lee DN. Prospective organization of neonatal arm movements: A motor foundation of embodied agency, disrupted in premature birth. Dev Sci. 2018 Nov;21(6):e12693. doi: 10.1111/desc.12693. Epub 2018 Jun 19. PMID: 29920860; PMCID: PMC6220947.
  • Duffee, J., Szilagyi, M., Forkey, H., Kelly, E.T.,, Council on Community Pediatrics, Council on Foster Care, Adoption, and Kinship Care, Council on Child Abuse and Neglect, Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health. (2021). Trauma-Informed Care in Child Health Systems. Pediatrics, 148(2), e2021052579.
  • Forkey, H., Szilagyi, M., Kelly, E.T., & Duffee, J. (2021). Trauma-informed care. Pediatrics, 148(2), e2021052580; DOI:
  • Fumagalli, M., Provenzi, L., De Carli, P., Dessimone, F., Sirgiovanni, I., Giorda, R., Cinnante, C., Squarcina, L., Pozzoli, U., Triulzi, F., Brambilla, P., Borgatti, R., Mosca, F., & Montirosso, R. (2018). From early stress to 12-month development in very preterm infants: preliminary findings on epigenetic mechanisms and brain growth. PLoS ONE 13(1), e0190602.
  • Lammertink, F., Vinkers, C.H., Tataranno, M.L., & Benders, M.J.N.L. (2021). Premature birth and developmental programming: mechanisms of resilience and vulnerability. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11(531571). doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.531571.
  • Lewandowski, A.J., Levy, P.T., Bates, M.L., McNamara, P.J., Nuyt, A.M., & Goss, K.N. (2020). Impact of the vulnerable preterm heart and circulation on adult cardiovascular risk. Hypertension, 76, 1028-1037.
  • Linsell, L., Johnson, S., Wolke, D., Morris, J., Kurinczuk, J., & Marlow, N. (2019). Trajectories of behavior, social and emotional problems from childhood to early adulthood following extremely preterm birth: a prospective cohort study. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 28, 531-542.
  • Montagna, A. & Nosarti, C. (2016). Socio-emotional development following very preterm birth: pathways to psychopathology. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(80). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00080.
  • Perez, A., Thiede, L., Ludecke, D., Ebenebe, C.U., von dem Knesebeck, O., & Singer, D. (2020). Lost in transition: health care experiences of adults born very preterm – a qualitative approach. Frontiers in Public Health, 8(605149). doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.605149.
  • Provenzi, L. Fumagalli, M., di Minico, G.S., Giorda, R., Morandi, F., Sirgiovanni, I., Schiavolin, P., Mosca, F., Borgatti, R., & Montirosso, R. (2020). Pain-related increase in serotonin transporter gene methylation associates with emotional regulation in 4.5-year-old preterm-born children. Acta Paediatrica, 109(6), 1166-1174. doi: 10.1111/apa.15077.
  • Aristizabal, M.J., Anreiter, I., Halldorsdottir, T., Odgers, C.L., McDade, T.W., Goldenberg, A., Mostafavi, S., Kobor, M.S., Binder, E.B., Sokolowski, M.B., & O’Donnell, K.J. (2020). Biological embedding of experience: A primer on epigenetics. PNAS, 117(38), 23261-23269.
  • Provenzi, L., Guida, E., & Montirosso, R. (2018). Preterm behavioral epigenetics: a systematic review. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 84, 262-271.
  • Provenzi, L., di Minico, G.S., Giorda, R., & Montirosso, R. (2017). Telomere length in preterm infants: a promising biomarker of early adversity and care in the neonatal intensive care unit? Frontiers in Endocrinology, 8, 295. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2017.00295.
  • Risnes, K., Bilsteen, J.F., Brown, P., Pulakka, A., Anderson, A-M.N., Opdahl, S., Kajantie, E., & Sandin, S. (2021). Mortality among young adults born preterm and early term in 4 Nordic nations. JAMA Network Open, 4(1), e2032779.
  • Tan, J.B.C., Boskovic, D.S., & Angeles, D.M. (2018). The energy costs of prematurity and the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) experience. Antioxidants, 7(3), pii: E37.
  • Vanes, L.D., Murray, R.M., & Nosarti, C. (2021). Adult outcomes of preterm birth: implications for neurodevelopmental theories of psychosis. Schizophrenia Research,
  • Wolke, D., Johnson, S., & Mendonca, M. (2019). The life course consequences of very preterm birth. Annual Reviews of Developmental Psychology, 1, 69-92.
Presented by Kangaroo Care Day
"In touch with experts: LIVE" Educational series
in collaboration with


ABOUT KANGAROO CARE DAY: The International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day is an initiative to improve the safety, practice, and implementation of skin-to-skin care.  It was founded by Yamile Jackson, Ph.D., PE, PMP on behalf of her son, Zachary, and is now celebrated in NICUs globally on May 15th since 2011. Visit


Do you have something to share?  Ideas, suggestions, studies, experiences, tips, etc.?  Comment below!



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