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Wear Green on May 15th! 💚
Show your support for Kangaroo Care—green symbolizes growth, healing, and the power of touch.


Second Annual Brazilian Kangaroo Care Day (May 15) Kick-off meeting

We invite the twenty-seven states' Kangaroo Care Coordinators in Brazil to the second annual Department of Health's Kangaroo Care Day (15) kick-off meeting.
Let's discuss how Brazil celebrated the 2022 Kangaroo Care Day (May 15) and how 2023 will be even better!
We will share ideas, resources, lessons learned, challenges, and the Kangaroo-a-thon.
Come ready to learn and join the conversation!

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Comments (6)

Vivian Azevedo

I’m professor and physiotherapist

Amanda kelle Freitas Barreto

Método Canguru: o cuidado essencial à vida dos prematuros!

Nelma Cabral Calazans

Sou Tutora do Método Canguru do estado de SP Brasil.

Euda Maria Farias Diniz Aranda


Aparecida Alves Pedrosa de Lima

Método canguru : direito de todos RN s

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