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Wear Green on May 15th! 💚
Show your support for Kangaroo Care—green symbolizes growth, healing, and the power of touch.


Neils Bergman in Lisbon, Portugal on May 15th

May 15th is International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day.

Nascer Prematuro, Associação Portuguesa de Massagem Infantil (APMI) and ULSAlgarve are hosting a conference where Dr. Nils Bergman is the keynote speaker. It is in Lisbon, Portugal.

Be sure to come and hear from one of the great researchers and advocates of Skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding!

The foundations of Skin-to-skin Neuroscience, bonding and breastfeeding will be presented by him. He is one of the researchers responsible for the Swedish group's work on introducing Skin-and-skin to the Block at the premature with amazing results!

It's Lisbon on ESEL, Calouste Gulbenkian Polo. May 15 from 10:00 to 1:30 pm

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