May 15th is International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day.
Nascer Prematuro, Associação Portuguesa de Massagem Infantil (APMI) and ULSAlgarve are hosting a conference where Dr. Nils Bergman is the keynote speaker. It is in Lisbon, Portugal.
Be sure to come and hear from one of the great researchers and advocates of Skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding!
The foundations of Skin-to-skin Neuroscience, bonding and breastfeeding will be presented by him. He is one of the researchers responsible for the Swedish group's work on introducing Skin-and-skin to the Block at the premature with amazing results!
It's Lisbon on ESEL, Calouste Gulbenkian Polo. May 15 from 10:00 to 1:30 pm
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