I am a psychologist in NICU Ruse.
Having a psychologist in a NICU is a rare case in Bulgaria and I am very happy to be able to work with the mothers of the premature babies and since I am there (2016) I try all the ways I can to make babies` stay more comfortable and parents - more calm and satisfied.
So we adopted already world`s good practices such as using nests and gifts for the preemies that we got from the foundation "Our premature babies" Bulgaria.
And I am very happy to say that since the world`s Kangaroo day on May 15th we made it a practice and we do have skin-to-skin contact by every visit day -monday and thursday, when the parents are allowed to visit their babies for an hour.
We let them do kangaroo care for every baby with a health`s status that allowed us to do it. So I found you now on the web, as I am searching to learn more and what NICUs make better than us in other countries with the goal to have our NICU better as well.
And I`ll be happy if we can change experience and can start anyhow working together to make kangaroo care more common, to spread awareness in my country as well.
In Bulgaria the communication baby-parent is something very rare, because parents are being held aside from the care for their babies. It's the old-fashion thinking that medicine helps babies the most and not considering that the contact with their parents in the form of touch, hearing the voice, sensing the smell etc is also very, very important for the babies' physical, social and psychological development.
And it is also very important for the forming of secure attachment with the first and most important people in the baby's life - his/ her parents, which leads to a secure attachment style in the future of the baby.
What I am doing is trying to educate staff in our ward about it. And we are willing to work in the direction of going out of the old-fashion ways, popular in Bulgaria and becoming the most modern one in a parent-baby-communication-oriented ward.
The foundation "Our premature babies" Bulgaria educated us on the kangaroo care subject, and is already doing so much to spread awareness and is helping us a lot with information, brochures, octopuses and hats for the babies, so we are very very happy to be a team with them in the future as well.
I attached a few photos from us, so you can see what we do and how it looks in our ward when parents visit and are able to communicate with their little fighters :)
Best regards,