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Wear Green on May 15th! 💚

Show your support for Kangaroo Care
—green symbolizes growth, healing, and the power of touch.


Be featured in the Kangaroo Care Day Website

Personal stories can change someone's world. We want to help our readers better understand kangaroo care and how it impacts families, caregivers, volunteers, healthcare professionals, etc., all around the world.

Storytelling is essential to our mission. If you want to be featured, here’s how you send the material to us:. 

 The post must be original, authentic, compelling and, if appropriate, told in the first person.  Your story must be exclusive to Kangaroo Care Day Website, which means it hasn’t been published anywhere else. If you’ve already pitched it elsewhere, please let us know.  All contributions are unpaid.

Send us your story:

  • Start by briefly summarizing your story idea. Posts should not be over 1000 words
  • Briefly explain why you’re the right person to write the piece. What’s your relevant expertise or experience?
  • Briefly explain why this argument or story matters. What are the stakes here?
  • if you are not including the content, then briefly outline how the piece will start and end. If you have a draft, include it in the body of the email.
  • Use a clear, informative headline
  • Include how Kangaroo Care Day has impacted your efforts to improve kangaroo care.
  • Include a short description of your previous experience with KMC and links to published clips, include photos of your celebrations!
  • Be your own work. 

Send to us at


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Comments (2)

Raksha Iyer
Hello, my name is Raksha, i am from India and i am mother of a daughter who was born as preemie. I have written many articles on preemie care. And here i am attaching my article on KMC. Please ho through the link.


इस दिलचस्प ब्लॉग पोस्ट को देखें
“Kangaroo Mother care: The Magical Touch” by anonymous r.
Read Here:

Raksha Iyer


इस दिलचस्प ब्लॉग पोस्ट को देखें
“Kangaroo Mother care: The Magical Touch” by anonymous r.
Read Here:

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