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EFCNI and GLANCE Network celebrate Kangaroo Care Awareness Day!

Our activities for KMC Day will include a storytelling activity on our Facebook and Instagram accounts where we will invite our community to share their personal KMC memory/experience with images and individual stories, using the #s #TouchingNICUMomentsMatter#KangarooMotherCare and #kangaroocare and #kangaroocareday

Additionally, together with our Romanian partner parent organisation Asociatia Unu si Unu, we will also report about a charity lottery which EFCNI supported and in which 5 neonatal wards (2 Level II and 3 Level III Units) in Romania will receive a kangaroo mother care chair for their unit. There will be a guest article and social media contributions on this, the article will be available on our website from the beginning of May.

 The article will be placed here:

The social media accounts will be: @efcni; @efcni

KMC Day is also listed in our awareness days calendar on our website:

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