Has your life been touched in any way by kangaroo care / skin to skin contact?
www.kangaroo.care is looking for parents, clinicians, anyone touched by kangaroo care/skin to skin contact to be featured during Kangaroo Care Day on May 15th. It...
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Click here to download the excel file that will help you tally your Tracking Cards (Suitable for the 24-Hour Kangaroo-a-thon and those lasting up to 15 days from May1 to May15)
Fill the information on the TRACKING CARDS in the sheet of the date.
After you transfer the duration and number of sessions from every Tracking Card, the Excel file calculates the four numbers that must be submitted for your team:
The deadline to submit your results and evaluation is June 5, 2023, at 11:59 pm your local time.
Click here to submit your team's results and evaluation before June 5th, 2023If the link above doesn't work because of any reason (e.g., firewalls, etc), please click here to download the file and enter your answers in the yellow fields: 2023 Kangaroo-a-thon Excel Results File
The results will be published on the website and emailed to the team leaders soon after June 5, 2023. |
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