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Welcome to the 24-Hour Global Kangaroo-a-thon on World Prematurity Day (Nov. 17 local time)


NEW: Click here for an EXCEL file that will help you calculate your team's results

On November 17, 18 or 19, click here to submit the team results. 

Please be prompt in submitting your results after Nov. 17th so we can tally and present them at the Kangaroo Care Mother Care Conference on November 22, 2022, in Madrid, Spain. We will also send an email to you and post it on social media and


Thank you for participating in the 24-hour Global Kangaroo-a-thon on World Prematurity Day (Nov. 17th, your local time).  Please invite other teams to visit our homepage and register
These resources will make your kangaroo-a-thon easy, effective, fun, and successful. 


Let's start!



We all win!  Supporting parents to hold their babies change their lives for a lifetime. 
Since we have different sizes of units, we will ask for four numbers (honor system) from every team, and we will calculate the rest:
  1. TEAM SIZE (number of babies in the team/census)
  2. DURATION of kangaroo care in minutes (add from the tracking cards)
  3. NUMBER OF SESSIONS of kangaroo (add from the tracking cards)
  4. NUMBER OF BABIES HELD in kangaroo care (count the number of cards filled)

    WHO WINS?  

    Winners are established by the following calculations: 
    • Kangaroo Care CHAMPION: Highest Team Average of KC (SESSIONS DURATION divided by TEAM SIZE).  This winner receives the educational program (valued at $1,000) donated by the Foundation for Premature Infants.
    • Longest sessions:  SESSIONS DURATION divided by BABIES HELD
    • Most babies held: BABIES HELD divided by TEAM SIZE
    We will also share these by adding all the teams' numbers submitted:
    • Number of Teams
    • Total Babies Participating: Add TEAM SIZE
    • Total Duration of Kangaroo Care:  add SESSIONS DURATION 
    • Total Number of Sessions: Add all NUMBER OF SESSIONS
    • Total Babies held in Kangaroo Care: Add BABIES HELD


    Questions? or contact us
      Nurtured by Design is donating one The Zaky® ROO to each team that submits the complete team results before Nov. 19, 2022. 
      Shipping fee is not included (about $5-7 in the USA, international depends on destination)

      On November 17, 18 or 19, click here to submit the team results. 

      You may right-click and copy these files as needed for your local, non-commercial projects.